1. What is the estimated delivery time?

AVCOLLAB will ship the items within the time frame specified on the product page. Most products listed will be dispatched within 2 to 3 business days. Business days exclude Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays. However, the delivery time may exceed this time frame for certain products, depending on the product availability, the shipping destination, and the mode of transport selected (Road or Air).


Estimated delivery time will depend on the following factors:


  • The availability of the product on AVCOLLAB
  • The shipping destination
  • The geographical location of the courier partner
  • The mode of transport selected

In rare cases, delivery may take longer due to:


  • Bad weather
  • Flight delays
  • Customs clearance procedures
  • Other unforeseen circumstances

If you think your order is delayed, please feel free to contact us.

2. Why does AVCOLLAB not ship to my area or location?

– At times, we may choose not to ship to your location. This is entirely at our discretion. Also, whether or not we ship to your location depends on legal restrictions, if any, for shipping to your location and the availability of our courier partners for shipping to your location.

3. How do I arrange for a pickup when I need to return an item?

– Returning a product on AVCOLLAB has never been easier. Simply get in touch with us at info@avcollab.com with your order details and we shall review your request. If we approve your request we shall be in touch with the return process.

4. What are AVCOLLAB's delivery charges?

– Presently we are offering free delivery on all orders.
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